Most men will experience the symptoms of an enlarged prostate in their lifetime. The medical term for it is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). By the age of 60, about 50% of men have BPH. And 90% of men 80 and older have it.
The prostate is a gland that surrounds the urethra. As men age, the prostate gland gets bigger, which can squeeze the urethra and obstruct the flow of urine. This can lead to
many unpleasant symptoms.
Getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night is a characteristic sign of BPH.
Other symptoms include:
- Needing to urinate often
- Straining or having difficulty when starting to urinate
- Experiencing a weak urine stream
- Leaking or dribbling urine
- Feeling as though the bladder is not empty after urinating
Men with mild BPH might not need to start treatment right away. They may be able to make small lifestyle changes to combat their symptoms.
These changes include:
- Reducing fluid intake, especially just before bed.
- Avoid over-the-counter cold and allergy medicines.
- Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake.
- Practicing double voiding: After urinating, relax and wait a moment, then try to urinate again.
The 5 Best Treatments for BPH
There are many treatments available for BPH, ranging from medications to surgery. Treatments are chosen based on many factors in partnership with a urologist. Some men find that medications are all they need, while others may need surgical treatment.
Here are 5 of the best BPH treatment options.
1. Medications
Three main types of medicine are commonly used to treat BPH:
- Alpha-blockers like Flomax, Uroxatral, and Rapaflo
Alpha-blockers relax the muscles that surround the urethra, allowing urine to flow more easily. They work quickly and are often recommended as a first-line treatment for men with mild to moderate symptoms.
- Alpha-reductase inhibitors like Proscar and Avodart
Alpha-reductase inhibitors can stop the prostate from growing more and may even help it to shrink. This type of medicine is more effective in men with a larger prostate and can reduce the risk of urinary retention and the need for surgery.
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors like Cialis
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors can treat erectile dysfunction along with mild or moderate urinary symptoms.
2. UroLift
UroLift is a minimally invasive procedure. It requires no cutting, heating, or removing of the prostate tissue. Instead, the enlarged prostate tissue is lifted out of the way, opening the urethra and relieving urinary symptoms. UroLift provides effective relief with a short recovery time.
3. Rezum
Rezum is a procedure that uses natural water vapor to remove excess prostate tissue. This procedure provides lasting symptom relief from BPH without invasive surgery. Most men see improvement in their symptoms within a few weeks.
4. GreenLight XPS Laser Therapy
GreenLight is another option for the treatment of BPH and may be used for more severely enlarged prostates or for men who have progressive BPH. The laser works by vaporizing excess prostate tissue where urinary flow is obstructed. GreenLight provides a surgical result with a minimally invasive procedure and faster recovery time.
5. Aquablation
Aquablation is a innovative treatment for enlarged prostate. It works by using a high-velocity water jet in combination with ultrasound imaging. The ultrasound allows your surgeon to create a detailed map of the prostate, enabling precise removal of unwanted prostate tissue. There are no incisions and the accuracy of the jet allows for improved outcomes with limited side effects.
Don’t be bothered by uncomfortable urinary symptoms any longer! Talk to a doctor about the best treatments for BPH for you – schedule an appointment today by calling 843-347-2450!